About Us
- The Capel Men’s Shed was incorporated in 2010
- Is a Not For Profit Incorporated Association
- Is a self-managed and self-funded organisation
- Provides a safe place for men to gather and engage in a variety of activities
- Offers the opportunity to share skills & experiences and develop friendships
- Welcomes all men in our Community
- Is a member of ”Men’s Sheds of WA” & “The Australian Men’s Sheds Association”
Our Objectives
- To address the issues of men’s mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing by providing a supportive network for men, especially in times of need.
- To develop and maintain The Men’s Shed with appropriate equipment and facilities that cater for the interests and projects relevant to the current membership.
- To promote members personal development by providing a practical workshop environment that encourages socialising and sharing skills and knowledge.
- To share, disseminate and preserve the skills, abilities and interests that are relevant to the community.
- To develop The Men’s Shed as a cost neutral operation where ongoing costs are met or exceeded by revenue and thereby keeping membership fees to a minimum.
- To be an active contributing community resource providing services to needy groups and individuals through the utilisation of member skills.